Survey master questions

63 questions found
Have at least four outfits
Having 3 pairs of socks/stockings in good repair
Have clothes for all household members
Buy clothes when needed
At least four pairs of trousers (aged 11-17)
At least seven pairs of new underpants (0-10)
Enough warm clothes for cold weather
Warm clothes and bedding if its cold
Warm jacket/coat
Some new clothes every year
Some new clothes
One or two pieces of new clothes in a year
New clothes in a month
Having mostly new, not second hand clothes
Some new, not all clothes are old ones from siblings
Younger siblings having to wear elder siblings' old clothes
Buy new underwear once a year
All clothes are cheap merchandise
Able to buy at least 2 sets of new cloth for each of all household members per year
A pair of shoes that fit properly
Warm, properly fitting shoes
Two pairs of shoes in good repair and suitable for everyday use
Do [you/you and each member of your household] have at least two pairs of properly fitting footwear including a pair of suitable winter footwear?
Three pairs of shoes
Have shoes for all household members
Properly fitted shoes (e.g. leather shoe and sport shoe)
Shoes can be replaced by a new pair once unfitted or worn
One set of decent clothes (e.g. for job interview / Chinese New Year celebration)
Suitable clothes for important or special occasions
Ornaments for special occasions
Trendy clothes
The right kind of clothes to fit in with children of the same age
Having sufficient clothes for various occasions
Wrist watch
School uniforms of correct size every year
All school uniform and equipment required (e.g. Books, pens, etc.)
New school clothes when needed for school-aged children (aged 5-17)

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