Early years ‘key’ to social mobility

An all-party group of MPs has said the point of greatest ‘leverage’ for social mobility is what happens to children between ages 0 and 3, primarily in the home. They add that it is also possible to improve social mobility through education – the most important controllable factor being the quality of teaching received.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Social Mobility is aiming to produce a final report by the end of 2012. Its interim report summarises the evidence it has heard so far. It distils this into seven ‘key truths’, as follows:

  1. The point of greatest leverage for social mobility is what happens between ages 0 and 3, primarily in the home.
  2. You can also break the cycle through education…
  3. …the most important controllable factor being the quality of your teaching.
  4. But it’s also about what happens after the school bell rings.
  5. University is the top determinant of later opportunities – so pre-18 attainment is key.
  6. But later pathways to mobility are possible, given the will and support.
  7. Personal resilience and emotional well-being are the missing link in the chain.

Source: 7 Key Truths about Social Mobility: Interim Report, All-Party Parliamentary Group on Social Mobility

Links: Report | Guardian report | Daily Telegraph report

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